Wednesday 23 April 2014

A day out to Sticklepath, Okehampton and Meldon Resevoir.

This week on our day out  we first went to Sticklpath. Joan and I  had both been there before - but many years ago. 
I wanted to see the Finch Foundry, which was the last working water - powered forge in England.
It is now owned by the National Trust, and is very well kept and well presented to visitors. It was a pleasant stop - and Charlie loved the walk by the nearbye river.

The Finch Foundry at Sticklepath.
An inside view of the working area. I don't think it's up to todays health and safety standards!
A walk by the river. Charlie loved it!
Our next stop was Okehampton. We parked by Waitrose, which is next to the Lidl store. Very busy everywhere! We had a look around the shops, and our next stop was to be the Castle - but we couldn't find it! I expected it to be at the top of the hill (where Castles are usually) but we have since learned that it is on the left just as you are leaving Okehampton going towards Meldon. I think we will find it now on our next visit!
Walkway with shops on the way to main road. Very clean and welcoming!
The White Hart in Okehampton.   A very well known landmark. Is Wetherspoons going to buy it? 
Next stop Meldon Reservoir. A large car park, with toilet facilities, Plenty of picnic areas, and a very pleasant place for walks.
This moorland pony looks well! 
A  view of Meldon Resevoir. A very pleasant location, and a recommended place to go for a walk and relax.
A view down the Meldon valley taken from the dam. You can have a nice walk along the river here.
Have a nice day.

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