Friday 3 January 2014

Dreadful weather

Today has been a dreadful day - weather wise!  I walked around the garden with camera. The ground is absolutely sodden, or perhaps waterlogged is a better word to use.
When I take photos, I realise how much tidying up there is to do.  Fallen leaves everywhere. Weeds everywhere. Apples and long grass to clear away. Oh dear, maybe I shouldn't have walked around the garden today! It is a bit depressing.

Golden delicious windfalls. I made about 10 gallons of cider last year, and just didn't want to make any more. I offered apples to several people to be able to make wine, cider, or to eat,  but there were no takers. However the birds seem to enjoy them!

A lone pheasant in the garden. There are regular shoots near to our land. Hence we get regular visits from pheasants. I do feed them as well as providing them with some safety.
More pheasants!

My pond is in an awful state. Covered in green algae. How do I get rid of it?