Tuesday 18 February 2014

Just another day

Yesterday - Monday - it rained again all day. I did very little outdoors. My hardest job I think, was bringing in the wood for the wood burning Rayburn. This is a continual job, but the Rayburn provides us with constant hot water, is always ready for cooking, and keeps the house warm as well. It also helps with the central heating. The other heater for the radiator's is an outside oil heater. I tell myself that it is important to keep warm when you are old!

Today , Tuesday, has been a better day. I have been in the hide near the house and took a few more photos of our regular bird visitors.

House Sparrow  -  male

House Sparrow  -  female

Greenfinch  -  male


I'm not sure!  Is it a female blackbird?

Is this a female Blackcap?


Chaffinch  -  male

My unused Roller  -  unisex!