Saturday 5 April 2014

Our Thursday day out - to Otterton Mill, Budleigh Salterton, Sidmouth and Beer.

What an unfortunate day to choose for our day out!  It rained all day, and the visibility for sight seeing and for taking photographs was very poor. Never the less, we still had an enjoyable day.

Our first stop was Otterton Mill. When we first arrived, even though it was raining, we took Charlie for his walk, along the river Otter towards Budleigh Salterton. On a nice sunny day I can imagine this would be a lovely walk. On Thursday however , the only sign of wildlife that we saw was one cock pheasant.  After walking for about half a mile, we returned to the Mill for a cup of coffee.
The café was packed - mostly with ramblers I think!
 Otterton Mill  -  Not an attractive building from the road -  but inside it offers a nice cup of coffee, and some lovely carrot cake!

                                        The back of Otterton Mill where plants are for sale.

Our next intended stop was to be Sidmouth, but we turned left by mistake when leaving the Mill, and hence our next brief stop was at Budleigh Salterton!  Retracing our route, we returned to Otterton, and carried on to Sidmouth via Penn Hill.
The views towards Sidmouth must be quite spectacular on a clear bright day. Although it was still raining, I did stop the car, and took our first viewing.

                                            Sidmouth on a misty day.

                                                          A deserted Simouth Beach

Plenty of shops to look at in Sidmouth.  I think that every other shop was a Charity shop. There certainly is a lot of them!
We took the main road out of Sidmouth, then turned right to Branscombe and Beer. The weather was still not good enough to encourage us to take a walk around Beer, but it did appear to be a very nice, clean place - and we definitely intend to return on a nice day!

                 Looking down at Beer beach on a dull day!   No swimmers or sunbathers today!

    The Anchor Inn, and a tidy row of houses overlooking the sea.   A very nice place to live!

  This little stream of water runs all the way down the main street into Beer. I wonder if it caused any  flooding recently!

The mileage for our trip from Exeter was just over 60 miles. We wish that the weather had been kinder to us - but never the less - it was another nice trip around the Devon sea and countryside.

We are fools whether we dance or not - so we might as well dance!

One of  the greatest lessons in life is to know that even fools are right sometimes!