Wednesday 12 February 2014

Sri Lanka Holiday

I went to Sri Lanka with my friend Charles Fleming. We flew with Sri Lankan airlines - 7th January  and returned 21st January 2014.
I love to visit Sri Lanka. The temperature was a constant 30 degrees centigrade. I swam in the sea daily. We travelled miles on various modes of transport. I don't recommend the buses, but the trains were excellent value as were the tuktuks. Food is very cheap as well. One lesson you quickly learn is that there is a big difference in the cost of any thing, between the local people and the Tourists.  Haggling is a must!

The main reason for Charlies visit to Sri Lanka was to take photos of  the local  birds. His knowledge of  photography is extremely good, and hence I feel that my photography improved immensely with his helpful advice.

We had both been to Sri Lanka before, and the last time that Charlie stayed, he rented a house from a shopkeeper / landlord called Ravi. So we rented the same 'Dreamhouse' at a very reasonable  rent for the 2 weeks. The house is structurally very sound, but the facilities could be improved. Hot water in the bathroom would have been nice! The kitchen could also be improved, but having said that, we were more than happy with both the cost and the attention we received from Ravi and his lovely , courteous family. We were supplied with bed, breakfast and evening meal. We were given endless cups of tea or coffee, cake and fruit during the daytime  that we were at the house. We couldn't have asked for better service from them.

We always had our meals on the verandah.
If any one would like more details on how to rent this house, please don't hesitate to contact me.
I can put you in touch with Ravi and you can book direct. He also picks you up at the airport on arrival and takes you back for your return flight.