Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Years Day

What weather! Rained heavily all day. Hence , not a lot has been done today. I did intend to take down the Christmas lights - but there is always tomorrow! Even Charlie - our small dog - went for his walk very reluctantly.
Charlie is a rescue Shih Tzu dog. We have had Old English sheep dogs for many years up until now. When our last one died, Ben, we found it so upsetting that we decided not to have any more dogs. But - Charlie arrived one evening looking for a home - and that was 18 months ago! He knows he has come to a good home, and we love him to bits, as they say!

Charlie on his chair.  I put some ply around the sides to keep the wind off him! He loves being out doors, and welcomes everyone.

Here's hoping for better weather tomorrow.