Wednesday 7 May 2014

Photos taken around the farm.

It is one of life's sayings that  'as soon as one door closes another one opens'   But the tragedy is that we keep looking at the closed door and disregard the open one!

Charlies Hide.   On the edge of the woods we put an old caravan for Charlie to use to photograph the wildlife. A good spot for the buzzards.  (Charlie , our photographer friend - Not Charlie, our dog!) 

Bluebell time in the woods. Sometimes one has to just stop and stare - and think!  It's quite peaceful here.

Teddy. An Arab cross Welsh Stallion. Teddy won the Hunter class at Taunton last week.

                                The flies are annoying.

     Most of the trees are in leaf and blossom now. What a nice time of the year.


Charlie has chosen another chair to supervise from. What a good companion he is. We are very, very  fortunate to have adopted such a  loving ShihTzu dog!

This scruffy robin is always watching and waiting for food. My aim is to get it to feed from my hand. But after several days of trying - no success at all!   It remains cautious and just looks from a distance!

                    A colourful male chaffinch.  A pretty bird.    

              He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who doesn't ask remains a fool forever!