Wednesday 2 April 2014

A farmers daily responsibility for his calves.

I was interested to watch our neighbouring farmer feed his young herd of calves early in the morning.
I climbed over the gate into their field at 8.15am. Immediately I was surrounded by 87 young, mostly Frisian calves. They were waiting for their milk and calve nuts to arrive. I must have just given them false hope that it had come early!

                                                     Hungry calves - up close!

After waiting on a pile of logs, out the way of the calves for a few minutes, the Land rover and Farmer arrived with the milk and nuts.

 Some of the calves had wandered away from the feeding area on to some  good early grass in the joining field. They had to be called, and soon all arrived for breakfast!

I enjoyed being amongst the calves, and watching today's farming methods at close quarters, so to speak.  Again I make the comment  'how times have changed'   When I was farming with my Father, we were very proud to be milking about 20 cows.  Now a days the herd is more likely to be 200 or 300 cows!

Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous mind.

I keep this quote in mind, as I am tending to forget things.

My memories not what it was. I keep forgetting things.  It's like as though I've got Eisenhower's.

Have a nice day!