Thursday 2 January 2014

2nd January 2014

This squirrel is a regular visitor to the bird table. We have named him Jimmy! I used to shoo him away, but now have decided to accept him.
There are a lot of birds coming to the bird table, even though  there are still a lot of windfall apples on the ground.  When the windfalls are gone I expect to have a lot more blackbirds and thrushes feeding . We have yet to see the blackcaps.
           Male and female blackcaps from last year.

Jimmy with some sweetcorn
Took the Christmas outdoor lights down today. Boxed them all, stored them all away ready for next Christmas.

Another job today was to replace the fire cement around a    woodburner flue. It is a job that needs doing now and again. With the extreme rain and windy weather that we have had recently, the rain seems to find its way down the chimneys.