Friday 14 February 2014

A day in Sri Lanka. Dolphin watching at Kalpitiya.

The day started at 5.00am. Ravi took Charlie and me in his Taxi to the nearby railway station to catch the 5.35am train to Puttalam.

The train was on time. Fare was 85 rupees  -  about 45 pence!  The train journey was an experience in itself! There seems to be only one railway track, and when another train is coming from the other direction, one of the trains has to reverse back from the station and shunt onto a siding to allow the other train to pass. Hence the journey rumbles on to Puttalam for about 2 hours 30 minutes.  There are no doors on the train carriages, but no one disappeared on the journey. Health and safety isn't as strict as in England. Some might say that   'we have gone over the top!'

On arrival at Puttalam  station, we were greeted by several Tuktuk drivers wanting to take us to where ever!
We chose the most persistant Sri Lankan I think, who took us past the salt lakes to an Eco friendly hotel , where the owner had boats for the dolphin trips. The time was approximately 9.30 am and we were told that we would see dolphins - 100% sure  There was only 4 of us on the boat. Charlie, me, the tuktuk driver and the boatman. We didn't  see a dolphin, got wet through - and  returned after 3 hours of looking for them on a very rough sea. My fear of sea sickness was severely tested, but - we were all  fine!
Back to the Hotel!  We were offered accommodation, and the chance of another boat trip the next day! 100%  guaranteed to see Dolphins.  B & B was 12,500 rupees each  -  £62.50  When anyone goes on the dolphin trips you also have to pay 1250 R  (£6.25)  to the government. Any way, we stayed the night in our eco friendly huts. Charlie in the Yellow house and me in the Green house, and after a cup of tea, the boat left the shore at 7.30 am. Sea again quite rough, and after about 2 hours of searching, and phone calls to fellow boatmen, we discovered 100's of dolphins following the tuna fishing boats. It is quite difficult to take a good photo. What with a rocking boat, the sunshine, and the dolphins didn't seem to realise that we had arrived to take their photos!  
My 'eco friendly' room in the Green House. Toilet and shower out in the fresh air!
Breakfast was served at 11.00am. I had a good English breakfast  2 fried eggs, sausages,  toast etc.
Charlie chose the Sri Lankan breakfast. He wished he hadn't! He didn't appear to enjoy his 'Hoppers'
I have to admit - the curried fish, curried some-thing else and something else, didn't look appetising at all. My advice to anyone travelling to Sri Lanka is -  'don't have Hoppers for breakfast!'
The next plan was how to get back to our Dreamhouse. The choice was either train, taxi or tuktuk.
We chose the latter. The cost to be 4500 SLR  -  £22.50   for both of us.  The tuktuk driver was very good. When we saw a place that we thought would be interesting to see, he  pulled in and waited while we took photos, and looked around. The journey took us 6 hours, and sometimes a little scary with regards the traffic on the roads!  -  but I must say that it was a very, very interesting couple of days!
Bee eater