Saturday 4 January 2014

A better day weather wise.

This morning I took the park and ride bus into Exeter. What a good free service this is for the over 60's. Excellent.

 I have had some Travellers cheques for about 5 years, and wanted to make sure that they were still valid to use in Sri Lanka. Although they were still valid and can still be cashed, after taking my travel and accommodation into consideration, I was advised to cash them in at the bank, and take Sterling. I will also take my debit and credit cards.

I had a good welcome from Charlie when I got home, and took him for his second morning walk. 


  •   Charlie is fearless!

After the gales.
 This dead tree had been standing for over 20 years that I know of, but the latest winds have proved to be too much! There will be plenty of good firewood available now though. 


Last year I dug out many plants that were mostly self seeded
geraniums in this part of the garden. I moved a large metal container, and a few large stones. Covered the soil with chippings, and I have to say 'what an improvement'
 I am planning to start thinking    'More is Less'