Friday 28 February 2014

Thought of the day

By the time you pass sixty years you are supposed to have finally got your head together, but then your body starts falling apart.

I am one of many, many people that has Sciatica.
Sciatica starts in the lower back, and travels down the sciatic nerve and down the leg. Sometimes the pain is almost unbearable. The discomfort and sharp pains certainly restricts a lot of daily jobs. I started with the acute pain after my holiday in Sri Lanka. I blame sitting  / slouching on the 'plane for 12 hours. Pulling and carrying luggage , for what seemed to be miles at Gatwick airport, and then a further 4 hour coach journey back to Exeter. I have been informed that sciatica can last for a long time. Many weeks, if not months. God help me and all who are also suffering!   I have watched supposedly beneficial exercises to do - on You Tube. I do try them, and yes, I think that some exercises do help the discomfort and the pain.

However, life goes on, and today I have done a few more jobs .At  least the weather has been cold but dry.

I drove the quad and trailer to the woods and brought back a thick branch to support a log for another bird table. I placed it in a good spot to take more bird photos. Usually the sun will be behind me, and I can sit in amongst some fir trees in my portable hide. I have drilled holes in the log for the peanuts, and fingers crossed, the woodpecker and other birds will find them.
I will test it out tomorrow.

Today, I sowed my tomato seeds, and a couple packets of flower seeds. There were 4 varieties of tomatoes in one seed packet. I have had this assortment in the greenhouse before, and to have a variety is quite a good idea. I've forgot the names, but there are Yellow, Large, Gardeners Delight and Ailsa Craig.

Because the weather is still cold and Winterish, I stayed indoors this afternoon and made some pickle.
An easy recipe -   - 1lb cooked beetroot - then  cook together 1lb of cooking apples - 1/2lb (half) onions - 1/2lb brown sugar - 1/4pint of malt vinegar.  Looks and tastes good!

Jimmy is still looking for his nuts. I do like to take his photo!

Jimmy posing.

Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful!