Monday 14 April 2014

Our day out to Teignmouth, Torquay and Cockermouth.

The weather was kinder to us this week. Joan, Charlie and I had to go to Teignmouth first to pay for our Coach trip to the Isle of Man in May. When that little job was completed, at the Majestic Tour office, we walked through the Town towards the sea. It was quite busy, indicating that  the holiday season has started!

             Nice to see people sat outside the cafes.

A pleasant seating area at Teignmouth
Teignmouth sea front received a lot of damage from the rough sea storms that we have had recently. Most of the capping to the brick raised flower beds were being replaced, and nearly all of the flowering plants had been destroyed. However it hasn't stopped the visitors coming to the resort.
                 On going work to the sea front raised flower beds.

                          The sea gulls are almost tame!

                                 Teignmouth Pier and beach.

A nice view across the Teign Estuary to Shaldon.
We drove on to Torquay. Plenty of parking spaces now on the main road. But - £1.50 an hour. We  stopped near the Theatre, and  booked seats for a show coming in May  -  Dreamboats and Petticoats. I will look forward to that!  Torquay was also busy with plenty of  people enjoying the pleasant weather. What a difference the weather makes to our lives!
 The flower beds are a credit to Torquay. Really lovely! We stopped for a coffee at the cafĂ© by the Wheel. Very nice, and Charlie was able to sit outside with us as well! The wheel is kept in good condition. Pristine paint work, and well presented all round.  I intend to go on it on my next visit.  £4.00 for pensioners.

                                   Torquay Harbour.

The parking hour was up - so the next planned stop was to be Cockermouth. Well - we drove slowly along the one way only road. I was expecting to arrive at a square or an area with some character, and showing something of interest, but next thing we were on the main road back to Torquay! There must be something to see in Cockermouth, but we unfortunately missed it! We will try again one day.

Another nice day out. Lovely weather, and already looking forward to next weeks trip!

Have a nice day.