Sunday 16 February 2014

Sunday and a lovely day.

The weather today has been a treat for us. We have cut up most of the trees that were blown down in the high winds. The clearing up won't be completed until the ground has dried up quite considerably.

Nick in action

Just a little thing to remember the Hawthorn tree!
I think he is going to carve a 'bear' next time!
It has been a long time since we have had such welcome blue, cloudless skies as today.
But - more flowers are showing daily. Crocuses, daffodils, and the cultivated primroses are looking lovely. Spring is getting nearer every day!
I had chance to sit in the hide this morning and take a few more of the more regular visitors to our bird table. I saw, but didn't film the Great Spotted Woodpecker. That is my next challenge.


Helpers  (or watchers)   Tom, Charlie and Fidget.