Saturday 22 March 2014

Some colour coming into the garden.

Never take Life too seriously  -  nobody gets out alive anyway!

The ground starts to dry a little - but then, down comes the rain again. However, although the soil is still too wet ideally, I have started to clean up and to hoe various flower beds. and to loosen the soil a bit. Also I have pruned all the roses, and will feed them with some general fertiliser in a couple of weeks time. There are many plants starting to show signs of growth, and there is a bit of colour coming into the garden. I like this time of the year!

I have taken a few photos of some flowering plants and shrubs. Taking the camera on a stroll around the garden certainly makes me realise the many jobs that need to be done!

Stellata Magnolia

Spot the ShihTzu

More daffs. A lovely show this year.

                                                              Grape hyacinths

Peamore House
Note the Blue sky!

Peamore Cottage

Exeter in the background

I missed the best of this rainbow - but rainbows have a special meaning to us.
Inquisitive Suffolk sheep
Nothing worth having comes easily!