Monday 10 March 2014

Beautiful, Glorious Weather. Carol (BBC Weather) says so!

It is commonly observed that when two Englishmen meet, their first talk is of the weather: when they are in a haste to tell each other, what each must already know, that it is hot or cold, bright or cloudy, windy or calm

This statement is correct, as I think that everyone that I met today, I couldn't help but comment myself on the lovely weather!

We have been busy logging the fallen trees. The ground is drying quickly, enabling an easier access onto the fields. We are going to extend our log shed and intend to fill it up ready for next Winter.

                                                            Think Green!

I continue to have bonfires. Tidying the garden up after the Winter, is always quite a major job, but this Winter has been one of the worst for many years I think. The ground has been so wet, and several trees and shrubs have been damaged. But  -   now we have another Spring, Summer and Autumn to look forward to.

A good old bonfire.

These daffodils are nice to see!
And some crocus.

And Charlie is always nice to see!
I enjoy playing skittles at the Alphington Club. Our team is called Pick and Mix, and is mostly made up of Pensioners. The team is organised by Jan and Mike, who do a very good job. We don't win many games - but I, for one, really enjoy the evening out! I must take a photo of the team!
A Long tailed Tit with a house Sparrow.
I tried to get a shot of this bird on a branch or some natural habitat.  But there is a saying that says
'A bird on your fat balls is better than none in the bush'