Saturday 15 February 2014

The Terrible weather continues.

What a terrible night last night. Several trees blew down in the garden, and a very large, old tree was blown over in one of the fields. I suspect there will be some blown over in  the woods as well. We were very lucky not to have any structural damage or flooding. My sympathy goes to all the many people that have been flooded so badly.

I planted the trees in the garden over 20 years ago. It is sad to see them now disappear from my garden.
Having said that, the garden was beginning to get a bit crowded and overgrown in places, so this could be natures way of sorting the garden planning out.
The ground is absolutely waterlogged. I have never known the garden to be so wet! Gardening at the moment is a no-no.
There must be some better weather coming soon! Please!
Nice to see the snowdrops.
Because of the weather conditions today, I spent some time in one of my hides. I am not as patient as I should be, but got a few acceptable shots.
A male Blackbird 
My favourite - the Blue tit
Our regular visitor - the Cock Pheasant