Thursday 20 March 2014

A nice day spent at Steps Bridge, Moretonhampstead, and at Fernworthy resevoir, Chagford.

We set out at approximately 11.30 hrs. with the intention of going to the Warren Inn on Dartmoor. Our route from Exeter was through Longdown and then to make our first stop at Steps Bridge, Dunsford.  I lived at Brook Farm, Dunsford, many years ago. At a guess, I would think nearly 50 years ago! It brought back several memories seeing the Steps Bridge Hotel / Pub.   Back in my visiting days, it was the 'IN' place to be seen, and people went there to sit outside on nice days for light refreshment, and the pub was always open for discos, and drinking / socialising in the evenings. My Father, Tom, was one of the regulars and loved the place, and I know that many people will remember his singing with a group of friends. The Barman then was a very pleasant man called Danny.
Now  however, it is no longer a place for visitors to be able to stop for any refreshments. It is a lovely spot - and I envy the people that live there.

                                                          Steps Bridge   Dunsford

River Teign
Who built this wigwam?

The wild daffodils are self seeding and are very prolific. A lovely sight at this time of the year.
Many Ramblers were out walking, both singly and in groups. A very popular place for a stroll in the countryside, especially with dogs! We had lovely weather and really enjoyed a very pleasant walk beside the river. Charlie loved it!
Next stop Moretonhampstead. We bought coffee and hot pasties at a well stocked butchers / delicatessen shop.  Very nice it was too!
Next stop  -  Chagford.  We decided not to go to the Warren Inn - that could be our next trip out!
Chagford remains a typical Country small town. It seems to have stayed the same for ever, and doesn't appear to have changed much since I used to visit Fernworthy Resevoir for several weeks during the late 80's. I used to transport about 10 young men from Exeter, that were on a Government scheme.  It was at the time when people who had been on unemployment benefit for more than 6 months,  were encouraged to work on a Community project for an extra £10.00 a week. Our project was to build the bridges, and widen the footpaths all around Fernworthy reservoir acceptable for wheelchair users.  I think that the bridges we erected are still intact and in regular use.

Chagford main shopping place

A picturesque Country Town.
A nice view of Fernworthy 
Many picnic tables to use!

Courting time for the ducks.
Have a nice day.