Sunday 8 June 2014

Nick off to the Isle of Man and some regular bird visitors.

Nick - ready for his trip to the Isle of Man.
Have a safe journey!
A Jay.  The Jay is known for being a noisy but a shy, cautious bird. This one however is a regular feeder at our feeding station, and seems to enjoy the bread on offer!  It is quite remarkable that the Jay buries hundreds of acorns every year in autumn. It remembers where most of them are, and digs them out to eat them late in the winter or spring, when food is scarce.  Clever!

 A young Nuthatch. A family of them have just arrived. 

 A house sparrow feeding its young.  The house sparrow
 population has supposedly declined, but not here they haven't!

 The grey squirrel still arrives for meals. They are destructive though, and they often damage the peanut feeders.

   Robin    -    Still my favourite!  Male and female are similar.  The young have spotted, brownish feathers.  

Blue Tit feedings its young.                                  

 The Wood pigeon. Nice markings, and generally known as a pest in rural areas!

 A collared dove.  These birds usually arrive in pairs, and seem to come quite frequently now.

Coal Tit - with a sunflower seed.   Quite tricky to get a good photo of this quick moving little bird!