Friday 28 March 2014

Another day out - to Princetown, Dartmoor and Tavistock.

Joan, Charlie and I, decided to have a trip out Thursday 27th March. Our first stop was to be the Warren Inn, Dartmoor. We did stop for a photo as we first drove onto the moors because  I was surprised to see  snow on the hills. Not good weather or conditions for photos - but never the less, the resultant shot does show what the conditions were really like! The temperature was 4 degrees.
We had planned to have a snack and a drink in the Warren Inn - but when we stopped outside the Inn,  we thought it was too cold to get out and that it would be better to stop for a snack at a café in Princetown.
The Warren Inn - where the Fire never goes out!
We parked the car at Princetown  (£1.00 all day) I can imagine the public would be very happy if all car parks charged this amount for all day parking! Even  £1.00 for 3 hours parking would be an acceptable charge!
National Park Visitors Centre in Princetown. 

Lords Café and Gift shop.
 Dogs are allowed into the café . Charlie was given a doggie chew (which he enjoyed)
It was very clean there, and I compliment the service and the food. It was a very welcome and  pleasant stop. Charlie enjoyed it too!
Our trip continued. We took the road to Yelverton, as I wanted to see where I used to live in Horrabridge, not far from Yelverton. My parents had a bakery shop / business there. I remember my Father feeding the pigs in a field at the back of the shop. I guess any waste from the bakery would have been utilised!  I think this must have been a turning point in my Fathers life  -  changing from a Master Baker,  to become a Farmer. 

The shop now looks empty and neglected!  A shame!
Next stop - Tavistock. We parked by the Town Hall, which is right by the indoor market. Joan loves looking around this place. There are many stalls selling various items of clothing, jewelry, sewing and craft bits and pieces etc. Joan bought a bag of assorted buttons, and I purchased a bag of sunflower seed. Tavistock must have been really pleased to have seen us again!
                                                     Entrance to Indoor Market

A glimpse inside the market!
Time to make our way home. Took the road to Okehampton. Got on the A30.
Drove through Tedburn St Mary, Whitstone,  Nadderwater and back to Exeter.  A round trip of 83 miles. Another very nice day out!
Must plan next weeks trip now!

Saturday 22 March 2014

Some colour coming into the garden.

Never take Life too seriously  -  nobody gets out alive anyway!

The ground starts to dry a little - but then, down comes the rain again. However, although the soil is still too wet ideally, I have started to clean up and to hoe various flower beds. and to loosen the soil a bit. Also I have pruned all the roses, and will feed them with some general fertiliser in a couple of weeks time. There are many plants starting to show signs of growth, and there is a bit of colour coming into the garden. I like this time of the year!

I have taken a few photos of some flowering plants and shrubs. Taking the camera on a stroll around the garden certainly makes me realise the many jobs that need to be done!

Stellata Magnolia

Spot the ShihTzu

More daffs. A lovely show this year.

                                                              Grape hyacinths

Peamore House
Note the Blue sky!

Peamore Cottage

Exeter in the background

I missed the best of this rainbow - but rainbows have a special meaning to us.
Inquisitive Suffolk sheep
Nothing worth having comes easily!


Thursday 20 March 2014

A nice day spent at Steps Bridge, Moretonhampstead, and at Fernworthy resevoir, Chagford.

We set out at approximately 11.30 hrs. with the intention of going to the Warren Inn on Dartmoor. Our route from Exeter was through Longdown and then to make our first stop at Steps Bridge, Dunsford.  I lived at Brook Farm, Dunsford, many years ago. At a guess, I would think nearly 50 years ago! It brought back several memories seeing the Steps Bridge Hotel / Pub.   Back in my visiting days, it was the 'IN' place to be seen, and people went there to sit outside on nice days for light refreshment, and the pub was always open for discos, and drinking / socialising in the evenings. My Father, Tom, was one of the regulars and loved the place, and I know that many people will remember his singing with a group of friends. The Barman then was a very pleasant man called Danny.
Now  however, it is no longer a place for visitors to be able to stop for any refreshments. It is a lovely spot - and I envy the people that live there.

                                                          Steps Bridge   Dunsford

River Teign
Who built this wigwam?

The wild daffodils are self seeding and are very prolific. A lovely sight at this time of the year.
Many Ramblers were out walking, both singly and in groups. A very popular place for a stroll in the countryside, especially with dogs! We had lovely weather and really enjoyed a very pleasant walk beside the river. Charlie loved it!
Next stop Moretonhampstead. We bought coffee and hot pasties at a well stocked butchers / delicatessen shop.  Very nice it was too!
Next stop  -  Chagford.  We decided not to go to the Warren Inn - that could be our next trip out!
Chagford remains a typical Country small town. It seems to have stayed the same for ever, and doesn't appear to have changed much since I used to visit Fernworthy Resevoir for several weeks during the late 80's. I used to transport about 10 young men from Exeter, that were on a Government scheme.  It was at the time when people who had been on unemployment benefit for more than 6 months,  were encouraged to work on a Community project for an extra £10.00 a week. Our project was to build the bridges, and widen the footpaths all around Fernworthy reservoir acceptable for wheelchair users.  I think that the bridges we erected are still intact and in regular use.

Chagford main shopping place

A picturesque Country Town.
A nice view of Fernworthy 
Many picnic tables to use!

Courting time for the ducks.
Have a nice day.


Monday 17 March 2014

Hunt at Powderham

The South Devon Hunt at Powderham, was held Saturday 15th  March 2014. It was a well attended event. I would guess maybe 100 or more followers. I am still undecided as to whether I support hunting or not! I consider myself to be a true Countryman, and to know that foxes are hunted by a pack of hounds, I don't feel is really a sport. I do like the meeting and seeing the horses and followers, but I think that is where my support ends. The Huntsman in the photo is being offered refreshments, and a drink. The food and drink that was being given to the hunt riders and supporters was very impressive, and I have to admit to enjoying a couple of whiskies and a sausage roll (or two) myself!  So Thank you Powderham for the welcome refreshments!  
I will go out now and feed our foxes in the garden!

Jane with the tray of whisky and Port. Courtenay on Megan and Dave.


Today, the Golf was due for it's MOT.  I have been having the test done at Ashburton Motors for the last few years. I think that if you are pleased with the service you have received from a garage , then it is better to stay loyal, and return each year.  The Golf passed, as I would have expected, (it has only done just over 11,000 miles from new) so now I can get the road fund licence on the internet  -  cost £30.00 for 12 months.  Not bad, that!

The main street in Ashburton

Cookery school, by the MOT garage.

Some photos taken today.

Suffolk yearling

Early double camelias

My neighbours woodland garden.

Jimmy - finding a way to get at the peanuts!

Enjoy the fine weather. Maybe rain coming soon.

Friday 14 March 2014

This fog gets me in a reflective mood!

I had the Blues because I had no Shoes  -  then I met a Man in the street with no Feet!

Middle age is when you have met so many people that every new person you meet reminds you of someone else!

I'm listening to a Leo Sayer CD.  'At his very best' Is that why I am thoughtful this morning?   'When I need you'  I like that track.  I have just bought the CD from Amazon, on the internet. The CD cost 1 penny, the postage £1.49!  How times have changed.

Yesterday we had a trip to Exmouth. We took Charlie, who loves going anywhere with us. In fact we feel very guilty now if we leave him at home on his own. It was still slightly foggy, but Exmouth is a nice place, and the sea air must have done us some good.

Exmouth  front

                                                           Exmouth Pavilion

Water Park
It got too hot to leave Charlie in the car in Exmouth, so we took him home and then went to Wetherspoons, at the Imperial, Exeter.  It was packed.  Mostly Students I think!  A great life it would seem!
I sold 2 stools on ebay. The auction lasted 7 days, and the winning bid was for 99 pence.
The buyer from Crediton paid by Paypal, and I will eventually receive the sum of 76 pence
.Did Alan Sugar started like this?

My 99 pence stools!
I took some photos of a nearby rookery. The rooks have just recently started to take the bird food, on the bird table close to the house. They are very clever, and fly away as soon as they see you. I don't like this bird.

I met a Dutch girl with Inflatable shoes last week  I phoned her up to arrange a date, but unfortunately she'd popped her clogs! 
Peter Kaye

Wednesday 12 March 2014

Busy Busy days.

I have just received the very sad news that Mr Montague, from Peamore has died. He was 88 years old, and I had found him to be a very wise, travelled and knowledgeable gentleman. Funeral at Exminster Church - 20th March 2014 -  at 3.00pm.

The dry weather continues! (Carol said it would.)  Hence, I have been busy in the garden, and generally doing several jobs.

 With help from Tom, we took a trailer load of scrap metal to Sims Scrap Yard at Marsh Barton. Quite a procedure now. Every body has to register when disposing of any scrap. One has to produce either a driving licence with a photo, or your passport and a utility bill not more than 3 months old.
This done, we had to don a hard hat, and yellow jacket selected from a bin. Drive  on to the weighbridge, off load on to a pile of other scrap metal in the yard, weighbridge again, produce a debit card, as this is the preferred way for payment. Then home £78.94 richer -  and tidier!

The Farrier came today


Steam rising from hot shoe - but the horse doesn't seem to mind at all!

Comfort from Courtenay  
Am I next?

Cock pheasant on the bird table.

The leaves on the weeping willow are showing. Another sign that Spring is not far away. A lovely blue sky - and warmer weather to come!

Charlie with a Spring in his step!
Apparently, one in five people in the world are Chinese. And there a five people in our family, so I must be one of them! It's either my Mum or Dad. Or my older Brother, Colin. Or my younger Brother, Ho-Chan-Chu. But I think it's Colin!
Joke from Tommy Cooper.