Saturday 4 January 2014

A better day weather wise.

This morning I took the park and ride bus into Exeter. What a good free service this is for the over 60's. Excellent.

 I have had some Travellers cheques for about 5 years, and wanted to make sure that they were still valid to use in Sri Lanka. Although they were still valid and can still be cashed, after taking my travel and accommodation into consideration, I was advised to cash them in at the bank, and take Sterling. I will also take my debit and credit cards.

I had a good welcome from Charlie when I got home, and took him for his second morning walk. 


  •   Charlie is fearless!

After the gales.
 This dead tree had been standing for over 20 years that I know of, but the latest winds have proved to be too much! There will be plenty of good firewood available now though. 


Last year I dug out many plants that were mostly self seeded
geraniums in this part of the garden. I moved a large metal container, and a few large stones. Covered the soil with chippings, and I have to say 'what an improvement'
 I am planning to start thinking    'More is Less' 

Friday 3 January 2014

Dreadful weather

Today has been a dreadful day - weather wise!  I walked around the garden with camera. The ground is absolutely sodden, or perhaps waterlogged is a better word to use.
When I take photos, I realise how much tidying up there is to do.  Fallen leaves everywhere. Weeds everywhere. Apples and long grass to clear away. Oh dear, maybe I shouldn't have walked around the garden today! It is a bit depressing.

Golden delicious windfalls. I made about 10 gallons of cider last year, and just didn't want to make any more. I offered apples to several people to be able to make wine, cider, or to eat,  but there were no takers. However the birds seem to enjoy them!

A lone pheasant in the garden. There are regular shoots near to our land. Hence we get regular visits from pheasants. I do feed them as well as providing them with some safety.
More pheasants!

My pond is in an awful state. Covered in green algae. How do I get rid of it?

Thursday 2 January 2014

2nd January 2014

This squirrel is a regular visitor to the bird table. We have named him Jimmy! I used to shoo him away, but now have decided to accept him.
There are a lot of birds coming to the bird table, even though  there are still a lot of windfall apples on the ground.  When the windfalls are gone I expect to have a lot more blackbirds and thrushes feeding . We have yet to see the blackcaps.
           Male and female blackcaps from last year.

Jimmy with some sweetcorn
Took the Christmas outdoor lights down today. Boxed them all, stored them all away ready for next Christmas.

Another job today was to replace the fire cement around a    woodburner flue. It is a job that needs doing now and again. With the extreme rain and windy weather that we have had recently, the rain seems to find its way down the chimneys.    

Wednesday 1 January 2014

New Years Day

What weather! Rained heavily all day. Hence , not a lot has been done today. I did intend to take down the Christmas lights - but there is always tomorrow! Even Charlie - our small dog - went for his walk very reluctantly.
Charlie is a rescue Shih Tzu dog. We have had Old English sheep dogs for many years up until now. When our last one died, Ben, we found it so upsetting that we decided not to have any more dogs. But - Charlie arrived one evening looking for a home - and that was 18 months ago! He knows he has come to a good home, and we love him to bits, as they say!

Charlie on his chair.  I put some ply around the sides to keep the wind off him! He loves being out doors, and welcomes everyone.

Here's hoping for better weather tomorrow.