Sunday, 20 April 2014

Photos of some Birds taken from our kitchen window.

A dull morning. We have had some rain, and the light is poor - but never the less, there has been several birds feeding from the bird table this morning and I can't resist getting the camera ready for some action shots!. All the photos were taken through glass, and I do think this detracts the quality of the resultant photos.

The Greater Spotted Woodpecker has become a more frequent visitor in our gardens recently. The male has the red patch on the back of it's head, and also red under it's tail.


Not a good shot of a Collared Dove - but I like to see this bird.  It is easily identified by its thin black half-collar.

                                       A better Photo!

This cock pheasant often balances on an apple, but still continues eating.

A female Chaffinch. They are less colourful than the male species.

A pair of Greenfinches. Again, the female bird is less colourful than the male.

A glossy feathered Blackbird. The male bird is easily recognised by its all black body, and a yellow beak and eye ring. The males
sing superbly, especially from high perches in the mornings and at dusk.

Is this a juvenile Robin or a Dunnock. I have asked for advice. Does any one know!

A regular visitor now.  This Nuthatch especially likes sunflower seeds.

1 comment:

  1. The woodpecker is particularly good. I can often hear them when I am over at the stables, their knock really carried a long way.
